Jacob Robson EP recording

EP recording guitar amp Jacob Robsonguitar amp drummer
musician portrait musicianrecording studio portrait in black and whiteguitarist portrait music studio on film singer black and white

Every day is a good day to shoot a roll or two of Ilford HP5+ 35mm, which is what made me so excited to spend a couple of afternoons hanging out in the studio shooting for my old friend's debut EP. While the mixes are still in the works, you can hear his husky-toned demos on Jake's soundcloud

I do have to apologise for the quality of the scans; I'm very unhappy with all the places I've tried so far in Adelaide (various Diamonds and Camera House outlets - Atkins can be difficult to get to within opening hours). It's the first time I've had anything push processed (400 ISO pushed to 1600) and I'm thrilled with those results, though. Got any thoughts on black and white film/processing/scanning? I'd love to hear them.



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